Maya Lin

  • 网络林璎
Maya LinMaya Lin
  1. The third chapter describes the background of the Maya Lin design ideas .


  2. Maya Lin has also designed many buildings .


  3. Maya Lin cut out the shapes of three bodies of water using thin layers of wood .


  4. In1994 , she was the subject of the Academy Award-winning documentary Maya Lin : A Strong Clear Vision .


  5. Today , the Vietnam Veterans Memorial designed by Maya Lin is the most visited memorial in the nation 's capital .


  6. Maya Lin 's " Ecliptic " outdoor area in Grand Rapids , Michigan features water in its three states : liquid , gas and solid .


  7. Maya Lin worked with ocean scientists to develop a three dimensional image of this part of the ocean . Then , she recreated that image in a smaller sculptural form .


  8. Maya Lin was born in Athens , Ohio . She is the niece of Lin Huiyin , who is said to be the first female architect in China .


  9. This spring , the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington , D.C.opened an exhibit called " Systematic Landscapes . " This interesting show features some of Maya Lin 's recent works .


  10. The US Vietnam Veterans Memorial was designed by American Maya Ying Lin in 1982 .
